Thursday, October 20, 2011

20th October

During today, I have written some of a short film script for Script Writing.

My idea for this short film is I want it to a Horror and to be set in college. The story is about a naive student, messed around with an Ouija board.  He is at college one evening and then gets chased by the spirit  and all of a sudden dies.  His friends find that the board sends out a spirit that kills by a single touch. His friends must try and get rid of the spirit by exorcism.

The script is going good sofar, I have written the first scene and started the second scene. I have got 2 more to go.

19th October

Today, my group and I did our Powerpoint presentation to Argos employees on what we want to do for their charity for young people with cancer.

We told them that we wanted to shoot their dance competition rehearsals. They named this event Strictly Come Argos. We also asked for requirements, for example transport to the event.

I think the presentation went very well and the employees and everyone else seemed to like it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

18th October 2011

I started writing my report on Lighting. I had to describe the parts of lighting for example, spotlight, backlight etc. I also had to describe low and high contrast, the feel and the look and how they cause emotion.

Just finished to day. Some parts I thought were hard, but I got there at the end :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday 14th October 2011

During today at uni, I went to a meeting to with my friend Fionna to meet someone in a railway company that educates employees the railway system.  Went pretty well. The woman, who is also Fionna  was very nice but it was hard to grasp all the details.

Fionna and I were asked to make a video about the GoToTraining website. We created a proposal for her and sent it off to Fionna from the company.

We then had to think of what the video can look like. So we asked our lecturer about what recording programme we could use, he said he'll help us which is great.

After that, my group for the Argos video created a presentation for what would like to do for the video for Wednesday. We discussed of how we can do the presentation. We agreed that we can take turns of reading the parts, which will be cool.

I made a start on writing my proposal for film and tv history of researching and making a presentation of history of cameras. I made a start, so I'll finish at the weekend. :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What I'm looking forward to:

I'm looking forward to filming anything that I would be asked to do.

I'm looking forward to making a video for Argos on a Cancer Charity event. One of the events will be doing a dance competition in Strictly Come Dancing format. A college and I will be filming the rehearsals, which should be great fun.

Uni: Achievements

I would like to achieve on my knowledge of cameras and how they work. 

Also I would like to more about script writing, Film and TV history and Production Management.

I'm sure I'll learn more as I go through on the course.

Uni: Being Busy

I'v been busy researching and writing about cameras: What features they have and how they work.
I recently been researching on particular history of film cameras. I recently written a story to write a script on for tomorrow.

I recently written a report on Development, Pre Production, Production and Post Production and Commissioning in the film industry. This is all what they are about

Uni: What I'v learned

I'v just started a Foundation Degree in Film and TV Production and I'm loving it sofar.

I'v learned how film cameras work and how the lighting works
I'v learned how alot of the Production process works
I have also learned how to gain ideas to script writing and different styles of scripts (detailed scripts and less detailed)

Through out the course, I will be learning more