Saturday, December 31, 2011

31st December

On Thursday, I went out shooting my the first and second scene of my film in the woods.

It was challenging but it went very well and my little brother and his friend acted brilliantly. My older brother supported me by holding the boom mike and helping set up the scene. Everyone was very helpful.

Im going to inclose some photos that were taken during production.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

20th December

During today, I have collected all my images of shots I'm going to use for my film in my Production Portfolio. This for a little photo storyboard. I used my little brother and his friend as the characters in the shot. I took these photos on the 17th.

I think they came out successfully because they show clearly of what the shot's going to look like.

For my review of progress and feedback, I will write in my blog of what people thought and how I'm doing through out production.

Friday, December 16, 2011

16th December

Iv just posted my Film and TV Practical Skills off, so I hope Bill likes it.

Yesterday, I went location scouting with my older brother for locations to make my short film. We travled down to a place called Burntwood, which is close to where we live. It was a great success. Iv taken photos of where I can film and my brother took note of where it is.

To make my film shorter, there has to be cut outs of the script and keep the best parts to fit it into 10 minutes. I need to finish my Production schedule and redo some of my shot list.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Film and TV History

Recently, Iv finished my module of Film and TV History. I researched on the history of film cameras. It did take a while to do and it was quite challenging of finding the many dates of the history,  but now its in Moodle.

The main thing I've learned about this module is how technology keeps changing all the time. It sounded competitive through out the years because people kept making different and better cameras in different shapes and sizes.

It was very interesting finding out about the cameras in the 1800's hundreds of how they worked. You look it back then and it did seem very complicated of how they worked, where as today, its a bit more simplified.

I have now got to create my presentation on the history of cameras when I get back on the 4th.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

6th of December

For the past few days I have written a script for a short film I'm going to make over the Christmas break. I have just finished it.

I'v just got to edit a few parts and then I'm going to post it to Moodle.

I lent a copy to my parents and they both liked it very much. This made it a success.

Creating the shot lists is my next step :)

6th of December

I did forget to mention earlier. I went to Stafford Uni campus and went to a Director's Workshop, my brother came with me for support. There was a director, a cinematographer, an actor and an actress there. They told us their experiences of their roles and gave us advices etc.. They gave out a script and the actors had to read it and act it out. We volunteered to be a director and cinematographer and we director how the actors should act their roles. This has been very useful because they gave very constructive criticism.

This has been usefull, but I wish they could of told us how to direct with the crew, the sound and the lighting etc.