Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Through out my Easter break. Sorry that this is late but hey better late than ever

My documentary:

Recently I have made two scene reenactments for my documentary. I have filmed a scene from Misery, Pet Sematary and 1408. I also filmed the second interview with a friend who isn't a fan of Stephen King's novels.

For Misery, I asked a friend of mine Hannah to play the part of Annie Wilkes and she very keen on doing it. I asked another friend of mine to play Paul Sheldon the writer. Unfortunately he declined which was very stressful. So I thought I'll just film all of Hannah's parts and then think of solutions for Paul parts. My solution was for me to play the part but create angles that were subtle so that you couldn't tell it was me. The day went very well. But I changed a few angles because it was against a window.

For Pet Sematary, I asked my little brother and my stepdad to play the roles of a father and my brother to play the part of his undead evil son. Unfortunately I didn't write a script for this so I used alot of experimental shots to see if they would work. The good thing is is that they did and my stepdad and my little brother played their roles very well.

For 1408, it was very challenging to film because my location wasn't very hotel like. So again, I was very experimental with shots and tried to make it work. My stepdad played the part very well but I'll see if I should use it.

My second interview with a friend who doesn't like Stephen King's novels went very well. She came over to my place and I filmed it in my bedroom beside my King collection. She was nervous to begin with so we done three takes on the interview so I'll see what one is the best.

My studio production report

Today I have just finished the report. Yippee!! This took longer than expected because it was very challenging to find the appropriate quotes for my statements. I have three library books on studio production. They have been very helpful in alot of ways but there were times where it was difficult to find the right quotes I needed. There was only one time I used the internet for one quote. All I've got to do now is to add in images and email it to my lecturer to see what he thinks.

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