Saturday, November 19, 2011

19th November

Today I have finished my report on Copyright. It was a success and it is now posted to Google Docs.

My next tasks are sorting all my work files into one report for each module, my script writing exercises and start my paper work on my short film I'm planning on making.

16th November

During today, we learnt things about Copyright and copyright laws. Our task is to write a report about Copyright.

With Scriptwriting, we went through a couple of booklets that takes us through exercises. For example, we read through a scene of the film V for Vendetta and from that, we had to write on what genre we think it is by the scene. My task is to finish more of two booklets.

In the evening, I completed one booklet but the other I struggled with. I struggled because there was a question of what happens in 3 acts of the films The Dark Knight, Casino Royal and Ghostbusters. I have seen these films before and I love them, but there is alot that happens in The Dark Knight and Casino Royal. There are some parts that I didn't remember. To help me, I watched the entire film of Casino Royal and wrote notes of important scenes that happen in the 3 acts. 

During my time off, I will do the same as I did with Casino Royal, by watching The Dark Knight and I will take notes.

There is an exercise where Iv got to read the scripts of the film American Beauty. Iv been advised for an easier option by watching the film itself. I will write the questions down and answer them by watching the film.

18th November

During today. My group and I shot a short video for a one day project called Life in a Day.

One of my group came up with the idea to write our concerns of the economy of our country on large pieces of white paper. His idea was to edit the footage by showing each person differently with their concerns.

I think this came out a success because it would be affective by showing the signs with no dialogue, I think this way, the message could go across in a unique way.

Hopefully the people who run the project will like it.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

10 November

Today, I have written my report on The Codes of Conduct in the media industry. I had to describe what's in the code of conduct, who supervises it, what effects it  has and media freedom etc.

I think it did go really well and I did learn from it about the code of conduct.

It was quite trying to research, but then I found something called Google Books, which I think could be rather helpful for the future.

So my work for that is done :)

9 November

During today. I went through in Production Management about the Code of Conduct in media and what its about. It went fine but it was quite hard to understand.

James has asked us to write a report on The Code of conduct. I used my voice recorder and he went through of what I need to do which I thought really helped :) and I have made a start on it.

Also, I had scriptwriting with Dave. He looked through my work and really liked it. He added constructive criticism on my documentary script to add more angles, sounds and leads to particular questions.

He also looked through my film script and he said to add more description of characters feelings and settings. I have taken these on board and I'm going to add them when I write these amendments. :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

8th November

I just finished writing my report on Health and Safety on Production.

I think it came out well but there was alot of information that was important it went onto a second page, we're supposed to do one. Sorry James, I hope you like though. But I think I covered the information pretty well.

I learned that there are so many health and safety precautions to be taken. But they gotta be done very everyone's welfare, which I completely understand.

This will definitely help me my future in film making. :)

7th Novemer

During today I have written my report on sound for practical technology skills.

I think I did the best I can and it came out as a success.

I had trouble with the library on Moodle because there was a particular book I wanted to look at but you can only buy it. So I had to browse the internet for answers and I eventually found them.

I did learn a lot more about particular microphones. I learned the differences, patterns and what situations would each one be used in. This I thought was quite interesting.

Tomorrow I got to do Health and Safety for Production Management.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

30th October

During the evening, I have written the rest of my short film and documentary scripts. I thought they came out successfully.

I struggled with the ending of my film because I felt I needed to research more of the topic I chosen, which was exorcism. I then came out with another ending, which is when the group begin to exorcise the demon, it immediately kills off the two characters and possesses the main character. I think this would be affective because it would be realistic and authentic.

When writing the documentary script, I thought it would be harder than I thought because I'v never written a full documentary script before.

For future reference, I will research more of the topic I choose and do the work earlier in the week instead of later.