Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Before the holidays (Argos Event). During the holidays.

Argos Event

Before the holidays, my corperate video group and I went to the White Eagle Polish Club, which is where Arogs were for their live event for the teenage cancer trust charity. My position was to be behind camera, filming the stage. For communication from the editors, I wore headphones say they can say what directions and shots they want.

My experiance of filming a live event felt really good because I thought the communication was really good and I felt the shots were correct.

The event itself was a disaster because the person behind the sound did an awful job. Our videos we filmed were being shown, the audio had too much bass, no dialogue and dialogue with no music. But, as a team, I thought we did really well.

During The Holidays

During my time off, I thought, just for fun, I wanted to make two DVD covers of films I made at college on my previous course. I remembered the skills I learned on making the cover for Digital Image Production for James. So I thought I could use them for these covers.

Both covers came out as successes because I thought they looked effective. After printing the first copies, my family gave me recommendations on how to make them look better. I went through many attempts for these ammendments, for example posistioning the main image, the spelling etc. After the ammendments, I think they came out really well.

Here are the covers that I produced over the holidays:

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