Friday, March 30, 2012

Our Last Shoot

Should really keep up with this, I know.

My drama team and I have finished shooting our short film 'A Tramp's Worth'.

We wanted to reshoot the first meeting scene and keep the audio from the original shoots. We wanted to do this because there were continuity errors on the orginal takes.

The other problem we had was with the audio because the boom mic didn't work. But we didn't make it a big issue because we're going to use the orginal audio from the previous footage we shot.

Hopefully, the edit will go well and the film should be a success.

Also, my collegue and I went out to take images of the setting for the DVD cover. It went well but there were a couple of people in shot, so that should be sorted in due course.

Here are some images of the last day of shooting of 'A Tramp's Worth'

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