Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Paperwork for my drama done! Including DVD cover!

During today I have finished all the paperwork I've got for my film 'Paralysis Of Fear'.

Also the film is uploaded on Youtube. Feel free to have a watch. Here's the link

During yesterday and today, I have created my DVD cover of the film on Photoshop. It was challenging but fun to make.

How I made it was that I got the measurements of a normal DVD case and then print screened some images of the film and created text for the front. For example the title, who stars in it etc. I used a particular style of the font. Here's how I did it:

I used a particular style and used many blending options to make it look the way I wanted it.

To get the certificate, I wanted to get an existing DVD cover, copy and paste it into photoshop and erase all parts of the cover except the certificate. Here's how I did it.

This I thought was the most challenging to get because I wanted the text to say what the film contains. So I copied an existing cover and did the same as I did last time by erasing everything but the rating. I then erased a word from the rating that I didn't need. Unfortunately this didn't work because it looked to blury. So I then copied another cover and used it's rating where it just sais 'Suitable for 15 years and over'. This worked alot better.

The cover now, I think is successful.

Also here is the link to my film:


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