Friday, November 23, 2012

My first eveing with StaffsTV

On Wednesday night, I went to the uni to join the StaffsTV group for their WhatsNext show. I booked to be a camera operator.

I got there with my carer and they told me that they put me in for camera assitant, which I didn't mid at all. We all got the cameras in posistion, in focus and the white balance corrected.

All of a sudden, one of the leaders, Sophie got hold of me and took me to the sound and lighting booth. Because nobody turned up for the lighting, I had to take over the posisiton. I felt very nervous to begin with because lighting is my weakness through filming and I not familiar with the lighting deck. She tought me what I had to do at certain time with the lights. We had a rehersal of the show before going live so we know what were doing. This went pretty well but I got the lighting part wrong. So Sophie had another talk with me about it and then one of the other member's called Hammish, had another talk with me and taught me what time to change the lights at a certain time. After this, I did feel more confident.

We then went live and the show was a success. Everybody did thier jobs brilliantly. There were a couple of hiccups but we quicly past them and it went very smoothly. I also got the lighting correct and changed them at the right time.

I really enjoyed this experince because it gave me a good sense of achievement at the end. It also gave me the experince of what its like to work in the studio. The group were brilliant. I really like the way we all comunicate with eachother and I got on really well with them. This will definitely work for my studio module next year. I really want to go back next week.

So overall, a very successful evening. Here is a group photo that was taken at the end of the evening.

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