Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Drama Review

One Foot In The Grave:

To be honest I wasn't keen on the humor  but in filming sense it was very good. I don't think I could watch another episode because I didn't like the character Victor Meldrew. But I really like the choice of angles in this one setting. I also like the way the dramatic part came into it by the use of non diegetic music. Overall, I didn't think it was the best but filming wise, it succeeded.

Talking Heads:
This I thought was very good. I really like the effect of Julie Walter's character explaining what's happening in front of camera. It gives the effect that she's talking to me. I also like the way the cuts last for a long time so she can explain what's going on. It's very subtle the way her character changes because she finds that her husband is a killer, this was very effective the way that the changes happen very slowly. The use of lighting really worked for the sense of mood. Very good episode.

The Streets: Domestic Abuse

The idea for the story has been used before. It reminded of the film Nil By Mouth with Ray Winston and Cathy Burke. Even though it's been used, it still came out very effective and kept me on the edge of my seat. You can connect with the characters and feel for them. The violence is personal but I like the way it doesn't shove it in your face. Filming was excellent with very good angles. I really like the use of dark and sought of grimy lighting which really helps to set the mood. At times it is hard to watch but it still kept me hooked. Very good episode.

Friday, January 13, 2012

My Finished Film

Recently I have finished making my film and now it's fully edited and it's going to be posted off.

The last day of editing was very stressful because I had to put in edited foli sounds of twigs snapping, walking through sticks etc. To do this, the night before I asked my actors to come out and created these sounds. I did this by filming this and cutting out the images and used the audio at the right times. To be honest I didn't enjoy editing the foli sounds because I thought it was very challenging and tedious.

I thought the film came out very well at the end because I thought the shots looked great, the acting was very good and the story is effective. I really enjoyed filming it aswell.

What I've learned from this that organisation is crucial before filming so that I know exactly what to do when I start shooting. I also learned that I have to check all the equipment before going out to film.

Here are some images of the filming and editing processes:

Friday, January 6, 2012

6th January 2012

During last night, I have finished my script writing module work for Dave and its posted off to Moodle.

I forgot to say the other week, I have edited the first part of my film and here are some enclosed photos of the shoot and some images of the editing process. My progress is good so far. I need to film a few more scenes on Sunday. My feedback is that its good but needs improving on the sound so I'll keep that in mind.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

4th January 2012

I recently went out shooting the final and the second half of a scene of my film. For the final scene, I went right down the bottom of my local woods where there is a large field to film the last scene. For the second half of a scene, I went to a hiding spot I chose.

The filming went successfully. I had a problem with the audio so I tested and used the small mic that comes with the camera. The sound came out very clear. I used my headphones on the camera when I filmed a scene with dialogue.

The editing went very well. I learned how to add music and titles and all the sounds came out very well.

I now want to learn how to make effects on the credits and volume on the dialogue.

Here are some images of the production. The editing is the same process as before. I'll watch what Iv edited with one of my family members and collect their feedback.