Friday, January 13, 2012

My Finished Film

Recently I have finished making my film and now it's fully edited and it's going to be posted off.

The last day of editing was very stressful because I had to put in edited foli sounds of twigs snapping, walking through sticks etc. To do this, the night before I asked my actors to come out and created these sounds. I did this by filming this and cutting out the images and used the audio at the right times. To be honest I didn't enjoy editing the foli sounds because I thought it was very challenging and tedious.

I thought the film came out very well at the end because I thought the shots looked great, the acting was very good and the story is effective. I really enjoyed filming it aswell.

What I've learned from this that organisation is crucial before filming so that I know exactly what to do when I start shooting. I also learned that I have to check all the equipment before going out to film.

Here are some images of the filming and editing processes:

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