Wednesday, March 21, 2012

21st March

Today, my drama team and I did a photo shoot for the DVD cover of our film. There was a few complications with other matters going on, but at the end it went very well.

After the shoot, we went out to our location to do a re shoot of a scene. This I think could have gone better because the audio equipment didn't work, so we had to shoot without it. This means that through out editing, we have to use the original sound from the previous clips we shot. Next time, I have to check the audio before filming.

We also had a meeting with the music student that is doing our score for the film. She loves the film and feels she wants to improve on the music that she's made. We asked her for a couple of add on's to the score and she has agreed to do it. To help her, my team mate, Fiona, is going to send off the final edit of the film to her, so she can figure out what music to create.

For my corporate video, I had to edit the video of Argos performing Queen. This was quite challenging because I'm not used to editing with a team, so I asked alot of the times for their approval of the editing I've done. They really like it sofar. I have to finish it off by putting a song on the video first thing on Friday morning.

Here are some images of the photo shoot and behind the scenes of the re shoots:

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