Friday, November 23, 2012

Shooting my corporate video

I am still making my corporate video for promoting my course. I have to say its going well so far so good.

Last week, I asked two group members if I can film them making their drama for my corporate. They agreed and I filmed them making their drama in the black room. This I thought went very well, even though I captured their outtakes! Here are some images of the shoot:

I then asked after their shoot, If I can interview them about their project, how its going and about promoting the course. This took a while to do because we kept laughing or forgetting what we were going to say. But I did capture some good takes.

I also did another interview with a lecturer I interviewed before. I wanted to do this because the setting didn't look right. The background looked very plain with only one single camera, the angle looked too high and there wasn't a shot of me, nodding and agreeing to what the lecturers saying. I chose the new library for the setting because it looks new a fresh. The interview itself went very well. There were times where I needed to retake because the lecturer joked around a couple of times.

Post Production

I have been editing straight after shooing. I have now decided that I will capture all the footage and then gather it all together and choose the best bits out of all the clips. I know this will take a while to do but I think it will work. I then decided to cut one of the group members from the video because I didn't follow him much through out his work. At the moment, the video is not in order but it will be

Through out this, I have learned that I have to make sure the shots look right and use shots of over the interviewee's shoulder, to show me, nodding and agreeing to what they're saying.


  1. The workflow consisted of shooting all the video footage with Eduan's 5D while I recorded the audio with my own Panasonic P2 camera. Corporate Video Production London

  2. You made your corporate video on your own? That is great because you’re really hands-on with regard to your corporate activities. You even hit two birds with one stone, having fun while seriously pursuing a business.

    Timothy Eng
