Monday, March 4, 2013

Evaluation of my film

As you have seen recently though out my posts that I have made a short film for an editing exam. Here's my evaluation of it.

For the preparation, I thought it went very well. I thought the story idea worked really well but I wish I had more read through's of the script so that I made sure I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

For the filming, I thought this went really successfully. The new angles I came up with I thought really worked and the acting was fantastic. What I need to improve on is to make sure I check which format I film in because I wanted to film in 16:09 format, not classic 4:03 format. My lecturer pointed this out during the exam. And for future reference, every new shot I take, I need to make sure the white balance is correct. But I'm getting better at focusing on the shots before filming.

The film itself, I think it was very successful. I think it is effective and subtle. The acting was great and the cinematography really worked. The only thing that needed improving is the POV running shots but the foli sounds that I made really helped that. Also, I think the white balance could of been better on the beginning of the film and I wish the tracking shots from the front of the boy could of been a bit smoother. So in the future, I will make sure I will book a dolly in advance.

Other than those improvements, I think the film really works. I sent it out to YouTube and put onto my Facebook page and I've had some good feedback so far.

The full evaluation will be within my film paperwork.

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