Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My progress on my documentary and studio module report


I have no finished my opening sequence to my documnetary which is great. I will show this to my lecturers this week and see what they think.

My next task is to collect people that arent fans of Stephen King fans, so I can get two sperate points of views from the fans and the 'non fans'. I have had a long hard search for people around the college. I went into 4 classrooms and the library and asked students sepreateley  I have now got 2 people lined up for interviews. I just need one more person and to help this, I'm going to StaffsTv tonight and I will ask people there if they are interested (I hope). If not, I just have to make the most of with the two I have and I will extend the questions I have for them. My first date I have in mind is Friday this week.

Studio report

I have recently written some of my studio report, which has to be about the purposes of studio, equipment, crew, controlled area etc. It has gone well so far so good. For this, again, I will ask my lecturer to look at it and have some feedback. My lecturer today taught us today on how to set out our harvard referencing which really helps.

So onwards ever onwards

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