Tuesday, September 18, 2012

'It Takes Time' Completed!

I have recently finished making my short drama film, 'It Takes Time'. Filming went very successfully. The last scene I had to shoot was the rest of the walk scene. I didn't finish it earlier because of weather conditions. This time the weather held up.

I changed a few parts of the scene to make it slightly shorter by changing a few angles and cutting out other ones. I also filmed a clip and asked the actors to be recorded for dialogue to put over the clip.

The last part I shot was the beginning of the walk, witch was inside the house. I suggested to film all the parts outside first because the weather was unpredictable. Through out filming, I changed an angle or two in this because the original angle didn't work. So I chose tow others. Overall, a successful last shoot.

I edited the film all together, which again was challenging at times. This was because there was different sounds through out the outside scenes. I tried editing a clip with a bit of sound at the end of it and made re repeat itself. This didn't work at all, so I tried many other attempts, for example, using the same clip but cutting it into all different sizes which was very tedious. I then had an idea by downloading a video from youtube of wind and nature sounds. So I then downloaded it and put it into Premier, cut out the image and kept the sounds. This went very well with the scenes because it sounds the same.

After editing, I then converted the film and watched it with my family. They really liked it and they made a few suggestions by cutting some angles off the kitchen scene because they thought it went too slow. They also suggested by cutting out some of the credits because my name kept  re appearing. Afterwords, I then went and changed these parts. After watching it, it looked much better.

I realised that the film was too long for uni, so I had an idea by keeping the whole film and convert a version to a trailer. This was very hard to begin with by coming up with an idea of what it can look like. For help, I went on youtube to look at existing trailers. I looked up on the film 'Lorenzo's Oil'. This I thought didn't help. I then finally came up with an idea of what it can look like and then created it. Here is the link to the trailer I created. The whole will be up soon but this is mainly for the uni. Enjoy :D

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