Monday, September 10, 2012

28th August Filming with my two borthers

On this date, I shot the scene with my two brothers down in my local brook.

This I thought went very well. There were a couple of times where there was wind interference and background noise but other than that it went very well. During that time we decided to film actual practise shots, with the two actors holding the scripts and saying their lines. Also, when there was a shot of just one of the actors, we decided it would help them by the other actor walk beside them, holding the script infront of them, out of angle. This helps because the actor actually has to look at the other actor because its conversational scene.

For editing, this also went very well. There were times where I had to increase the volume so I can hear their lines. For the music, I chose a particular track and cut some of it out because I thought it sounded a bit too dramatic for the scene, so I chose the best part of the track.

My next day of filming will be tomorrow afternoon. This will be the last scene I shoot

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