Wednesday, February 15, 2012

First of all and the15th February

First of all, I have written my drama script and sent it off to my college who's helping through out the production. She said she really liked it but a few amendments are needed, so she changing some of the script.

Today for Digital Media, I have created another film logo for my DVD cover because I used one I made up called JDA Films.

To start off, I sketched the font design and scanned it into Photoshop. I then coloured it in a dark red and tidied it up after. I then added another layer and downloaded an image of fire from the net and put it into Photoshop. This took time because I had to create a new layer all together. After that, I downloaded an image of the devil and put on to my image. I really liked how it came out because I think image go well together and it could go well for the next horror film I could make.

After that was completed, I opened up my DVD cover and transferred the logo to there. I then decreased the size so it could match with my other logo. I really like how this came out because it now shows the two companies I used. Here is an image of the logo and the DVD cover with the logo on it. 

See what you think :)



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