Saturday, February 16, 2013

My recent feedback on my documentary and last night at StaffsTV

Yesterday, I had recent feedback from my lecturer on my documentary. He told me to get rid of the archive footage I've got of Stephen King because he said he wants me to show things that I've filmed. I also had quick cuts of my King book and film collection and a few cuts of King collectibles I own. He likes the shots themselves but he recommended to use a proper camera because I used my digital camera to film them. He also thought the pictures looked to dark and shaky. I have taken these advices on board and I'm about to film these shots again, using a Z1 camera.

Last night at StaffsTV

I left early from college yesterday because I was asked by one of the StaffsTV members to help film an elections show at the uni campus. This show was about who to vote for student governor and the selection of students that are on the voting list walked on set and saying why he/she wants to have the role and how they can change the uni for students. My role for the night was camera assistant. I didn't really do much, but I was there incase any of the operators needed to move the cables when moving the cameras. The show came out very successfully. Here are two images I took of the night:

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