Monday, February 11, 2013

Recent feeback and filming the three interviews with King fans

Recent Feedback
I have recently filmed my first interview with a Stephen King fan. For most of the day, I wanted to prepare the lighting so that I got it correct. I filmed the interview and the interview was successful. But my lecturer and I looked through the footage and it needed alot of improving. The lighting wasn't correct and it was too orange, the angle looked bad and the sound was too quiet. So I took what needed improving on board. I asked the fan for a retake and he had no problem with it, which is really helpful. Here is what the footage looked like:

The filming of the three fans + the retake with the first interviewee

Recently I have been filming three interviews for my Stephen King documentary. And I have to say, so far so great. Plus I filmed a retake of the first interview.

My biggest fear was that the fans I chose to interview were going to give very small answers but they gave out very detailed points of view and very interesting answers which is great.

I used the blackroom again for the second fan and concentrated more on the angle and the lighting. I looked back at the footage and it looks so much better because the lighting and the angles were correct. Here is an image to prove this:

Because the black room was no longer in use because it was fully booked, I needed another location to use. So I thought of using the library because its bright and colorful and there is good use of lighting. This is where I did the retake of the first interview and and the third interview.

The retake of the first interview went brilliantly well. The first take I took, the angle didn't look correct. So I did a second take and here is what it looks like:

I had another problem of trying to find a female fan of King. I wanted to do this because the documentary wont show just male fans. One of the interviewees that I made friends with (well I made friends with all of them) was talking to a female friend about the documentary and she happened to be a big fan of king. I went to the library to meet them and asked the female fan if she was interested. And she was.

On the friday I met with her, her boyfriend and her friends and filmed in the interview in the library. Her friends and boyfriend were really cooperative and they kept quiet through out filming which was great. I did two takes of it just in case and it is a success so far.

My next plan

My next plan is to continue editing and try and find people that arent fans of Stephen King so I can get different points of view. My mum sais that if I cant find them, she'll be happy to be interviewed as fan. This will really help if I cant find any non-fans.

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