Saturday, February 23, 2013

Re shoot of shots of my documentary + my camera assisting role at StaffsTV

On Wednesday during the day, I spent some time re-shooting some shots for my documentary. As you saw before, I have done the tracking shots of my King book and film collection in the previous entry. On this day, I re-shot the panning and still shots of single King books I mention. For example Misery, Salem's Lot, The Stand etc. I really focused on making the shots look good and this time I used the Z1 camera and a tripod instead of a digi cam. Here are some images of the shoots taking place:

 As you can see I even moved some furniture around so that the shot will only be on the book. Also you can see I concentrated on the lighting because one of the curtains are closed.

Overall, I think this went successful because the shots look more clear, the movements are smoother and the lighting looked clear.

My camera assisting role at StaffsTV

During that evening, I went to the uni campus to StaffsTV for the WhatsNext show. This time, my role was being camera assistant. This week was music week and the band came over to play a live show. The band was rock/pop group called Neomantix. I met the band in person before they played and they were really nice. There were times where I didn't have anything to do so I was always asking if help was needed. Here are some shots of the set being prepared:

Before going live, John the camera operator i was assisting, wasn't there at times. So I had a little experience on using the camera on setting up shots. This I really enjoyed because camera operator is the role I actually wanted. But whatever role they choose for me, I'll do it. Here is an image of this happening:

Overall, very successful night, even though there wasn't alot of crew members. Also, the band are worth a listen. I couldn't help but nod my head while we were filming.

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