Sunday, January 20, 2013

Date change for documentary filming and the finishing of my short film for the editing exam

On Friday, I had to take a day off uni because of the snow. So, next week, my plan is to try and ask a few students (Stephen King fans) from classes if they are interested in being part of the documentary. All my other paper work for the production is done. I'll have a check through just in case.

Editing Exam short film
For this small project, I will be making a very short film for my editing exam. It has to be very short so I can edit it in a day. I came with an idea about a young boy, being chased by a stalker. Simple I know, but I really focus more on the cinematography and the suspense.

I have just finished writing the script. It does sound very good but I want to check it with a family member by having a read through tomorrow. Fingers crossed lets see if I can go ahead. I have a thought in mind to film it next weekend but lets see what the feedback is first.

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