Sunday, January 27, 2013

Studio Prep Sorted and 2 interviewees down and one to go on King Fans

On friday, My tasks for the day were to sort out the studio and lighting I need for the interviews and collecting interviewees for next week Wednesday.

With a helping hand, I sorted out what lighting is needed and what percentage of the brightness was needed.

To begin with, this was a challenge because lighting is my weakness through out filming. So I asked my lecturer for a little help on how the lighting looked to begin with. He gave very constructive criticism on how it should look. He suggested to use the three point lighting method, which is the key light, fill light and the back light. He also suggested where to move some of the lighting gear in position. I then moved the lighting and I asked a friend of mine to sit down infront of it, so I know how it looked. He even helped me move the lights aswell. It took me some tine to figure out what percentages I needed for the brightness. I then figured it out and now this is how it looks:

I also took images on my camera, of when I started sorting out the lighting. So I know how it looked. I used my friend for this. Here's two of them for example:

After the lighting was sorted. I used a small camcorder to see how it looked on camera. I used myself for this by turning the view finding screen. I didn't take any photo's of this but I did take one of the camera infront of the desk:

Collecting interviewees

Also, during that day, I went around a couple of classrooms and asked a few students if they were fans of Stephen King and were interested. I needed three people. One gained interest but the rest of them didn't know Stephen King. I was happy that I gained one interviewee but I needed more. The one interviewee suggested asking someone he know, who is in the college. That person he knew is someone I know aswell. So I then messaged him on Facebook to ask if he was interested. He said he was up for it which is great. So now I have two interviews booked for Wednesday and I'll need one more for Friday. I just need to ask if I can book the studio for then and then I'll ask a friend if they are up for an interview.

Equipment is booked and I'm now prepared for Wednesday.

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