Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Idea of Documentary set in stone and my proposal written

Recently, I have been thinking about my upcoming project, which is, making my documentary.

I have an idea for quite a while, which is piece about fans of Stephen King. It is about their favorite books and films, by King, why they like them and how much do they mean to them. I did ask my lecturer and my mum of what they thought of the idea. They approve and think that it would work.

My main inspiration from the idea is by a documentary I've seen and enjoyed called 'Metal A Headbanger's Journey'. It is about an Anthropologist, who is a big fan of metal music. He travels to America, England, Germany and Norway and interviews fans, band members, record labels, writers etc. The question the Anthropologist wanted to ask is why the genre is most of the time stereotyped, dismissed and condemned. He interviewed the fans about the huge passions in the genre. He had shots of music festivals, bands playing live and the fans having a great time.

He also mentioned the different types of metal music (there are loads!). He and band members have explained histories about the genre. Basically, anything you need to know about metal, its there.

I enjoyed it that much, I felt that I wanted to make one on the horror genre. This, I think will be difficult at the moment because I have to find out about clubs, societies etc. But I will have it in mind. So then I went onto Stephen King and I think it will be appropriate because it'll be easier. 

I have recently created a mood board of shots, lighting, clothing, angles etc. I then thought of what locations to use for filming. I asked my family of what locations I could use. i suggested the studio for one of them and they like the idea

Today, I have written my proposal and asked about more locations. My mum agrees with my other ideas. My next step is to write the script.

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