Friday, January 11, 2013

Feedback on documentary idea, location scouting and the next task

I have recently spoken to my lecturer about my documetary idea. He really liked it but he suggested to add more action shots than just using book images. He said the first 90% of the idea is really good but the next 10% of the idea needed improving. He asked how I could improve this which was very challenging to think about but then he suggested to film people reinacting a scene from one of Stephen King's books or films. This I think would really work. I also suggested to create a scene that's just related to the horror genre. This would also help with my upcoming editing exam.

Location Scouting and the next task

After the feeback, I went for a short location scout for interviewees and found some reasonable looking locations. Most of them were around the nearest church opposite the college. Here are a few images of the locations:

This is my bedroom, where I'm planning on shooting footage of my King collection and collectibles for the opening sequence.

If the weather is good enough, I would possibly like to use these settings because I think they give out a certain Gothic feeling. This I think will match the subject this documentary is about.

These are the locations I would like to use for people that aren't fans because they are just ordinary settings. The Gothic ones I don't think will work because the subject will be about why some people don't like King or they might not like the horror genre in general.

Here is the studio where I would initially like to shoot the fan interviews. I will set it up using the black curtains and to use the lighting. I want to learn more about how to use the lighting and controls before I use it for shooting.

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