Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My little location scout for my short film and the next stage of my documentary

Short Film
During this morning, while taking my dog out for a walk, I took my camera and taken snap shots of the locations I'm planning to use for my film. I thought these locations would work because they are very normal and something you would see everyday.

I'm not sure if I mentioned it, but my film is going to be about a young boy, on the way home from his friends, being stalked by a hooded figure. A lot of the inspiration came from the film Halloween, with the stalking idea. For this piece, I mostly want to focus more on the cinematography and create suspense without too much dialogue. This will be also for some action shots for my documentary. Here are the images I have taken:

The next stage is that during tomorrow (if the weather doesn't worsen) I'm going to go around the college and ask students and lecturers if they are interested in being in my documentary and give them all the details of where I'm planning to interview them, filming extra shots of them reading their books and the dates of the interviews. So hopefully this should work. If it doesn't, I'm planning on going to the uni to the StaffsTv group, which I'm a member of. I will ask some of the students there if they're interested.

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